Welcome to RSTSR

Welcome to RSTSR, a rust tensor toolkit library.

RSTSR is still in early development, and has not been published to crates.io. Current document does not bound to any version of RSTSR.

To start with, you may try to run the following code:

fn main() {
use rstsr_core::prelude::*;

fn welcome() {
    // 3x2 matrix with c-contiguous memory layout
    let a = rt::asarray((vec![6., 2., 7., 4., 8., 5.], [3, 2].c()));

    // 2x4x3 matrix by arange and reshaping
    let b = rt::arange(24.).into_shape([2, 4, 3]);

    // broadcasted matrix multiplication
    let c = b % a;

    // print layout of the result
    println!("{:?}", c.layout());
    // output:
    // 3-Dim, contiguous: Cc
    // shape: [2, 4, 2], stride: [8, 2, 1], offset: 0

    // print the result
    println!("{:6.1}", c)
    // output:
    // [[[   23.0   14.0]
    //   [   86.0   47.0]
    //   [  149.0   80.0]
    //   [  212.0  113.0]]
    //  [[  275.0  146.0]
    //   [  338.0  179.0]
    //   [  401.0  212.0]
    //   [  464.0  245.0]]]